台湾“交通部观光局”日前指出,去年“9.21”大地震已重创岛内观光旅游业。据初步估算,岛内观光旅游业外汇收入损失2亿多美元。 去年上半年来台湾的游客平均每人每日消费金额为193.62美元。去年年初预估来台湾的游客全年应达到252万人次,消费总金额可达37.76亿美元,但世事难料,“9.21”大地震发生后,去年实际来台观光旅游人次只有241万,每人每
Taiwan’s “Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transport” recently pointed out that last year’s “9.21” earthquake has hit the island tourism industry. According to preliminary estimates, the island tourism foreign exchange losses of more than 200 million US dollars. The average daily spending per person per day for tourists to Taiwan in the first half of last year was $ 193.62. Estimated at the beginning of last year, the number of tourists coming to Taiwan should reach 2.25 million in the whole year and the total amount of consumption will reach 3.776 billion U.S. dollars. However, it is unpredictable that after the “9.21” earthquake, the actual number of tourists who came to Taiwan last year was only 2.41 million. Everyone