1 序论我们体育学院是专科与本科共同一体,总体目标同样是培养体育专业教师。专科学制短,学时少,生源来自全省各地,每个学生的素质和接受知识的能力都不相同。如背越式跳高技术,来自山区的学生见都没有见过。专科学生素质差别很大,有些专项特别突出,有些人什么都不会,由于专项的两极分化造成了学生思想的不同倾向,有些学生目的是“混文凭”把考入学校作为就业的跳板,在思想上就没有做教师
1 preface Our sports academy is college and college commonalities, the overall goal is to train physical education teachers. Junior college short, less time, students from all over the province, each student’s quality and ability to accept knowledge are not the same. Such as the back-style high jump techniques, see students from the mountains have not seen. The quality of college students is very different, some special special prominent, some people will not, due to the special polarization caused by the different tendencies of students’ thinking, and some students aim is “mixed diploma ” admitted to school as a springboard for employment , There is no teacher in the mind