As the base metal contains a large number of gas source, stomatal magnesium die-casting laser welding is the most important issue. At different laser power densities, different heat input were used to study the formation of stomatal formation in die-casting magnesium alloy laser welding. At low laser power density (1.6 × 10 6 W / cm 2 or less), the porosity increases continuously with the increase of heat input. At high laser power density (above 3.2 × 10 6 W / cm 2), under certain heat input When the heat input is very low, the porosity decreases again. That is to say, the porosity changes with the welding heat input at different laser power densities There are two different laws of change. According to the behavior of gas source and the welding thermal process in the base metal of die-casting magnesium alloy, the formation causes of the two regularities are discussed and verified. The key to obtain the weld with low porosity is to suppress the precipitation of atomic hydrogen in the die-cast magnesium alloy, So that it continues to exist in the form of solid solution in the weld.