G.N.Hatsopoulos等把熵定义为dS=cd(E-E_(AV)),並认为熵的变化是系统不可用能变化的量度。本文指出这一定义和宏观意义的阐述存在着重大缺陷,韭从能量分析出发,引进非作功能E_(TO),它是一种只能以无序形态存在而不能转化为有序能的能量。进而作者把熵定义为dS≡cd E_(TO),熵的改变就是系统非作功能改变的度量。当选择c=1/T_0时,新定义的熵与经典的熵定义dS=δQ/T一致。
G.N.Hatsopoulos et al. Define entropy as dS = cd (E-E_ (AV)) and consider that the change of entropy is a measure of the change of the system’s availability. This paper points out that this definition and macroscopic meaning elaborate on the existence of a major flaw, leek from the energy analysis, the introduction of non-functional E_ (TO), it is only a disorder that exists and can not be transformed into energy . Furthermore, the author defines entropy as dS≡cd E_ (TO). The change of entropy is a measure of the change of system non-function. When c = 1 / T_0 is chosen, the newly defined entropy is consistent with the classical entropy definition dS = δQ / T.