近两年来,在滨江、闲林等地,出现了许多已被买走的房子却没有人去住,这和该区域现有配套大有关系。可也有人发出疑问了,不入住,是否就要交物业管理费呢?本栏目今天就要跟大家讲讲物业管理费应该从何时开始交的问题,什么情况下的房子算已交付,交付前应该注意哪些问题,已交付却未入住的新房,该怎样收取物业管理费等。同时,如果你还有其他有关的物业问题想咨询我们,可以拨打《楼市》热线85179558,或发送邮件到[email protected],我们将及时为你作出解答。
In the past two years, there have been many houses that have been bought in Riverside and leisure forests, and no one has come to live. This has a lot to do with the existing facilities in the region. Someone can also issue a question, do not occupy, whether it is necessary to pay property management fees? This column will tell you about when the property management fees should be handed over from the beginning, under what circumstances the house has been delivered, delivered What problems should be noted before, have not delivered new homes have been delivered, how to charge property management fees. At the same time, if you have other related property issues you want to consult us, you can call the “property market” hotline 85179558, or send an email to [email protected], we will promptly answer your questions.