In recent years, there are more and more cases in which the perpetrators steal and cheat all their belongings and possessions of others, and how they should be defined in criminal law has aroused widespread controversy. There are many different opinions in judicial practice. This article mainly discusses one aspect of the crime or non-crime of using illegal means to realize one’s legal property rights and interests - theft of all the property owned by others. Taking the dialectical analysis of the concept of the crime of property infringement, the protection of the legal interests, the object and the purpose of “illegal possession” as the starting point, and combining with the concrete analysis of the case, it is considered that for the theft of the owner and the possession of others The behavior should be analyzed whether the perpetrator has the purpose of illegal possession, whether the victim will be damaged by property, if both sides should have a theft crime; otherwise, should not be referred to as theft, if its actions constitute other crimes, Can be dealt with accordingly.