
来源 :中国法语专业教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu351464325
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法国文化领域的财政投入可分中央和地方两个层面。文化部为中央政府层面管理文化事务的主要部门,其预算基本上保持在国家总预算1%的水平;其他政府部门在各自职能范围內参与文化事务,文化预算总量与文化部预算基本相当。随着地方分权的推进,地方财政参与文化建设的比重持续上升,成为发展文化事业的重要资金来源。此外,法国还是欧盟文化政策的主要受益者,享受欧盟层面直接或间接财政支持。公共财政对文化事业的大力投入不仅可以提升法国民众整体文化素养,有效巩固法国作为文化强国的地位,同样为法国带来十分可观的经济效益。 The financial investment in the field of French culture can be divided into two levels: the central government and the local government. The Ministry of Culture is a major department for managing cultural affairs at the central government level. Its budget basically remains at 1% of the country’s total budget. Other government departments participate in cultural affairs within their respective functions. The total amount of cultural budget is basically the same as that of the Ministry of Culture. With the decentralization of local governments, the proportion of local fiscal participation in cultural construction continues to rise, making it an important source of funds for the development of cultural undertakings. In addition, France is also a major beneficiary of the EU’s cultural policy and enjoys direct or indirect financial support at the EU level. Public finance’s devotion to cultural undertakings can not only enhance the overall cultural accomplishment of French citizens and effectively consolidate France’s position as a cultural power, but also bring considerable economic benefits to France.
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