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  我接到旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆当代艺术策展负责人艾比的一条短信:“张慈:你好,我想把你介绍给我们的馆长许杰,庆祝你女儿香奈儿 ·米勒的新馆初展。您的电子邮件是什么,(能否告知)以便我们进行会议设置?”
  2020年9月24号星期四,纽约曼哈顿下午6点,我在Zoom 上与许杰馆长见面了。纽约傍晚的落日余晖照进我的客厅,窗外的树影在透明的光線中摇曳,此刻对世界最好的感悟应该是无言而用心的。我从小就到处寻找着志同道合的朋友,想要与那些创造历史第一的个人相遇,许杰就是这样的人之一。与许杰在虚拟空间中相见的这个瞬间,就是我期待的生活中的那种快乐,因为他不仅是美国首位担任大型艺术博物馆馆长的华裔,还与我有着相似的教育背景和成长背景。
  2013年,正值迁址十周年,亚洲艺术博物馆举办了特展《中国兵马俑: 秦始皇时代的瑰宝》。被誉为世界第八大奇迹的“兵马俑”漂洋过海来到美国西岸,这123件展品来自陕西13个博物馆和考古研究单位,展览的精粹是10件真人等大的巨型兵马俑。
  俗话说,寒窗苦读十年,不如名师一点。许杰服务的馆长都是中国文博界的泰斗。其中,马承源馆长是中国当代文博界古代青铜器、古文字研究领域的专家,他编写的《中国青铜器》一书,不仅系统地从青铜器的类别、纹饰、铭文、断代、铸造等多方面对中国青铜器的特性作出总结,还独辟“青铜器鉴定”一节,对各类作伪手段详加说明。此书被牛津大学翻译出版后影响极广。   许杰服务最久的就是马承源馆长,两人关系很好,马馆长工作之余总是给许杰指点迷津,从他身上学到了做学问的风格和曲径,这也是许杰选择将青铜器研究作为专攻方向的原因。
  涉足美国博物馆界  一步一个脚印
  此后,许杰在美国博物馆界越走越远,7年以后,他又被招募到芝加哥艺术博物馆担任亚洲艺术部主席。其间,他又兼管地中海地区的古代文明业务。许杰在博物馆工作期间,仍致力于学术方面的研究,并赢得多个专业奖项:国际艺术奖“岛田奖”(Shimada Prize for Outstanding Publication on Eastern Asian)(1997)、北美艺术图书馆协会乔治维顿纪念图书奖(George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award)(2002)、《Choice杂志》“杰出学术著作”奖(2006)等。这也为他的进一步发展打下基础,2008年旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆招馆长时,猎头就找到了许杰。
  现在,亚洲艺术博物馆成为许杰在美国推广中华文化的一个重要平台。2019年,筹款1.3亿美元转型的旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆重新对公众开放的计划被疫情阻碍一再推迟。10个月后终于启动的一系列当代艺术展览,让公众看到这家拥有全美最多亚洲艺术藏品的老牌博物馆的显著变化。作为亚博转型项目的重要组成部分,由博物馆当代艺术部门主管艾比 · 陈主导的系列当代艺术展览和活动启动后,得到了多家美国主流媒体的关注,其中被讨论最多的,就是艺术家香奈儿 · 米勒(Chanel Miller)创作的三联壁画构成的展览《我曾、我是、我将》(I Was, I Am, I Will Be)。这个展出,让旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆成为旧金山市的新地标。
  Xu Jie: Promoting Chinese Culture in the United States
  By Zhang Ci
  I met with Xu Jie, also known as Jay Xu, director of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, on Zoom on Thursday afternoon, September 24, 2020, when the afterglow of the sunset shone into my living room in Manhattan, and the shadow of the trees outside the window swayed gently. Since I was a child, I have been looking for like-minded friends everywhere, hoping to associate with those individuals who can make history. Xu Jie is one of them. He is the first ethnic Chinese to serve as the director in a major art museum in America, and also a handsome Chinese who has the same educational background as me.   Our conversation mainly involved my daughter Chanel Miller’s writings and paintings and her first exhibition I was, I am, I will be. “The Asian Art Museum supports Chanel in the hope of her story having growing influence in China as well as among overseas Chinese-speaking communities,” Xu Jie said. Speaking of the Asian Art Museum under his leadership, he said, “There is still a lot to do in the future. Asia has become an indispensable part of American society in economy, but not in culture and art.” That is the challenge he is taking on. Why hasn’t the culture and art of Asia, with 60% of the earth’s population, became the mainstream in the United States? How long and how much effort will it take to radically change such a reality?
  Xu Jie’s connection with the Asian Art Museum started from 1983, when the Shanghai Museum held an exhibition named Six Thousand Years of Chinese Art in the United States. Xu Jie served as the secretary of Shanghai Museum then and some 25 years later he became the director of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. To Xu, it was just meant to be.
  Compared with the traditional museum culture in which audiences are guided to admire ancient cultural relics as if they walk into a temple with awe, Xu Jie, however, strives to integrate these cultural relics into people’s daily life in San Francisco, and even to the everyday life of tourists from all over the world. This is something that is truly remarkable.
  Over the years, Xu Jie has traveled frequently between China and the United States, participated in academic conferences, organized various exhibitions, and spared no effort to promote Chinese culture in the United States. Under his leadership, the Asian Art Museum has held three impressive large-scale exhibitions of Chinese cultural relics in the past ten years, which have been loved by many audiences and also won recognition from peers.
  One of them was China’s Terracotta Warriors: The First Emperor’s Legacy, held in 2013. The main exhibits were ten life-size Chinese Terracotta Warriors from the Shaanxi Museum. Xu Jie and his team’s creative program which asked people in the Bay Area to looking for the lost terracotta warrior attracted a lot of attention and won the Marketing Award of the American Association of Museums. Another one is Tomb Treasures: New Discoveries from China’s Han Dynasty in 2017, in cooperation with the Nanjing Museum, displaying over 160 precious cultural relics of Han Dynasty in the US for the first time.   Xu Jie can always connect diffe rent cultures with creative exhibitions to exert a continuous influence on people who visit the Asian Art Museum. Under his leadership in the past decade, the museum has gradually become a window to show Asian, especially Chinese culture in the US.
  Xu Jie has been very interested in history since he was a child. After graduation from Shanghai University in 1983, he joined Shanghai Museum, which was known with a collection of nearly one million cultural relics, as the secretary to its director. Shanghai Museum’s rich collection piqued Xu Jie’s interest and provided him with an excellent opportunity to engage in research. More important was that he had the chance to work and learn from quite a number of museum experts, one of whom was Ma Chengyuan. Director Ma was an expert in ancient Chinese bronzes and characters. His book Ancient Chinese Bronzes, after translated and published by the Oxford University Press, caused a big stir in the world. It was also because of his influence that Xu Jie chose to conduct in-depth research on bronzes.
  After seven years’ work in the Shanghai Museum, Xu Jie grew into an expert in bronzes. He got an invitation to study in the United States from Robert Bagley, a famous professor and bronze expert at Princeton University, whom he assisted during a museum exchange activity in Shanghai. With the support of Ma Chengyuan, he entered Princeton University and majored in ancient Chinese art and archaeology. At Princeton University, Xu Jie received systematic academic training and broadened his horizons. He was able to view Chinese history from a global perspective and compare other ancient civilizations in the world with that of China. It must be admitted that studying at Princeton University was the biggest turning point in Xu Jie’s life.
  During his studies, Xu Jie obtained an internship at the Department of Asian Art of the New York Metropolitan Museum. After graduation, he got more and more opportunities in the museum world, taking important positions in different museums. While working in different museums, he was still committed to academic research and won many professional awards, including the Shimada Prize for Outstanding Publication on Eastern Asian (1997), the Art Libraries Society of North America’s George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award (2002), the Choice magazine’s Outstanding Academic Book Award (2006), among others, which also laid the foundation for his further development. In 2008, when the headhunters recruited the director for the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Xu Jie attracted their attention.   The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco has a rich collection of Asian cultural relics, especially Chinese bronzes, ceramics and Asian Buddha sculptures. It has been an important platform for Xu Jie to promote Chinese culture. A series of Asia contemporary art exhibitions have been organized and attracted many American mainstream media to report on them. One of the most popular ones was Chanel Miller’s I Was, I Am, I Will Be.
  Xu Jie is not only an outstanding leader at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, but also has demonstrated outstanding leadership in safeguarding ethnic equality. The day after the shooting in Atlanta on March 16, 2021, Xu Jie posted an open letter on the museum’s website: “Stop Anti-Asian Violence Now.”
  Indeed, as Asian Americans are still a relatively small group of community in the United States, they do not have much influence in politics and culture. Both Xu Jie and all of us will have a long way to go as far as the promotion of Asian art and culture us concerned. Fortunately, Xu Jie has already started his work.
常山位于浙江省西部,是闽浙赣皖四省边际区的中心城市。全县总面积1099平方公里,县域生态环境优良,森林覆盖率73.2%,常年空气质量保持在二级以上,出境水水质常年保持Ⅱ类水以上标准,是国家重点生态功能区、浙江省重要生态屏障、中国最美乡村旅游目的地,有“千里钱塘江、最美在常山”的美誉。  徜徉三衢大地,无论身在何处,都仿佛置身于景区。常山最大的优势是生态优势,绿色是最大的底色。近年来,常山牢固树立“