弗朗兹·贝肯鲍尔似乎天生就是赢家,作球员当教练都可以拿到世界冠军,退役后又成为超级劲旅拜仁慕尼黑的老板,大权在握,永不知足的他还是德国足协的副主席,一言九鼎令人畏服。 这些已足够让一名伟大的球员骄傲一生的业绩却成为“凯撒大帝”挑战更高目标的基石。他作为德国申办2006年世界杯的领导者历经千难万险在近乎绝望的情况下终获成功,很多人都承认,这次艰难却伟大的胜利很大一部分要得益于贝肯鲍尔个人的魅力。
Franz Beckenbauer seems born is a winner, as a coach when the coach can get the world championship, retired and became the boss of Bayern Munich super super, the power is never enough, he is also the vice chairman of the German Football Association, Word dauntless. These achievements enough to make a great player a proud life have become the cornerstone of “Caesar” challenge to higher goals. His success as Germany’s bid to host the 2006 World Cup suffered almost hopelessness in 2006, many acknowledged that much of this difficult but great victory is due to Beckenbauer’s personal charm.