院長兼教育部長凱洛夫開幕詞 從二月四日到六日,在莫斯科,俄羅斯聯邦教育科學院和教育部舉行了聯席會議,專門討論對蘇維埃兒童文學的教育要求問題。參加這次會議的有學者、作家、教育家、兒童图書館和中央出版局的工作人員。大會由俄羅斯聯邦教育科學院院長兼教育部部長凱洛夫宣佈開幕。 凱洛夫在自己的開幕詞中着重指出:布爾什維克黨過去和现在始終都以最大的注意對待兒童文學問題,幫助了它的發展。近幾年來,蘇維埃兒童文學得到了很大的成就。在一九五○——一九五一年,兒童文學作家的許多卓越作品榮獲了斯大林獎金。在這些作品中有馬爾沙克的兒童詩集、加西里與波良諾夫
President and Minister of Education Kairov’s Opening Speech From February 4 to 6, a joint meeting was held in Moscow, the Russian Federation Academy of Educational Sciences and the Ministry of Education to discuss the educational requirements for Soviet children’s literature. Participants at the conference included academics, writers, educators, children’s libraries and the Central Publishing Office. The meeting was opened by the President and Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences Kirov. In his opening remarks, Keluofu emphatically pointed out: The Bolshevik Party has always treated and treated the development of children’s literature with the utmost attention to the past and present. In recent years, Soviet children’s literature has made great achievements. From 1950 to 1951, many outstanding works of children’s literature writers won the Stalin prize. Among these works are children’s poetry by Marshak, Garcíli and Polanov