作者对140名空地人员颈椎病的临床表现,体征、颈椎X光片,病因学进行了对比分析,发现两类人员颈椎病的损伤特征有较大的差别。资料与方法1.1-一般资料 对门诊和住院康复的空、地人员140例进行诊疗。其中歼击机男性飞行员40例,年龄24~45岁,平均35.6
The authors analyzed the clinical manifestations, signs, cervical X-ray films and etiology of 140 cervical spondylosis patients, and found that there were significant differences between the two groups in the characteristics of cervical spondylosis. Materials and Methods 1.1-General Information Outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation of air and land personnel 140 cases of diagnosis and treatment. Fighter pilots in which 40 cases, aged 24 to 45 years, an average of 35.6