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众所周知,兴趣是最好的老师,兴趣是成功的先导,是学生获取知识的前提。要想学好一门课,首先要有兴趣。对于技校生而言,学生基础本身稍微差些,对学习的信心不足,如果按照常规的教学模式,单纯强调理论上的学习,那么就会出现老师课堂上讲得天花乱坠,学生听得昏昏欲睡的现象,所以培养他们学习的兴趣就显得尤为重要。经过不断摸索以及自身切实的体验,我来谈谈如何在教 As we all know, interest is the best teacher, interest is the guide to success, and it is a prerequisite for students to acquire knowledge. If you want to learn a lesson, you must first be interested. For technical students, the student foundation itself is a little inferior, and the confidence in learning is not enough. If we follow the conventional teaching model and simply emphasize theoretical learning, there will be a teacher’s class talking about hysteria and the students will feel drowsy. The phenomenon of sleep, so to cultivate their interest in learning is particularly important. After continuous exploration and practical experience, I will talk about how to teach
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在中国的传统文化中,存在着一些不利于创新的负面因素。今天我们要加强技术创新,就必须革除这些负面因素的影响。 一、保守思想的长期积淀 《周易》教导人们“乐天知命”,《
八仙的兴起 ,是中国神仙文化的产物 ,是传统“和合文化”精神的体现 ,是中国传统文化发展演变的结果。八仙信仰中的宗教内蕴、“和合”思想对元明清时期的文化领域产生了十分
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