
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kick88888888
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除草微肥是将除草剂和多种微肥混合加工而成的除草剂。经对比试验表明,除草微肥与单用除草剂处理对水稻除草效果均在90%以上,但除草微肥对水稻安全性提高,减轻了施用除草剂后出现落黄,株高矮化,分蘖力差等负面影响,使水稻每丛分蘖数和有效穗数较对照分别提高1和1.5个,增产达30%左右。 Weeding fertilizer is a herbicide and a variety of micro-fertilizer mixed processing of herbicides. The comparative tests showed that the herbicidal effect of weeding micro-fertilizer and single-herbicide on rice was over 90%, but the herbicidal micro-fertilizer increased the safety of rice and reduced yellowing, height reduction and tillering ability after applying herbicide Poor and other negative effects, so that each tiller number of tillers and effective panicles per hectare compared with the control increased by 1 and 1.5, an increase of 30%.
Two amorphous ribbons with the compositions of Al88Ni6La6 and Al86Ni6La6Cu2 were made using the melt-spun method,and their thermal response and electrochemical
通过太平溪试验站10年观测试验资料的分析,对太平溪小流域水土保持综合防治体系的蓄水减沙效益进行了初步研究. Based on the analysis of 10 years observation and test data
With the aid of FE (finite element) code MSC.Superform 2005, 2-D coupled thermo-mechanical simulation of center-crack occurrence in round billet during 2-roll r
随着我国道路建设的发展,目前,复合地基已经在越来越多的公路建设中得到了应用。在本文中,将就基于公路复合地基特点的PTC管桩使用进行一定的研究与分析。 With the develop
滤毒罐中毒的首先是自己 ,把生的机会留给别人。护目镜并没蒙住你的眼睛 ,而使你的眼睛更有神 ;并没挡住你的视线 ,而使你的视野更开阔。安全帽时时刻刻警卫着大脑这个司令部
Bulk amorphous Cu52.5Ti30Zr11.5Ni6 and Cu53.1Ti31.4Zr9.5Ni6 alloys with a high glass forming ability can be quenched into single amorphous rods with a diameter