早已通过影片熟识的侯孝贤导演,和那个在法闲导演奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯(Olivier Assayas)拍摄的纪录片《侯孝贤画像》中,桀笑着望着远方,在阳光刺眼的盛夏,独自回溯着童年往事的“阿孝咕”(侯孝贤幼年乳名)又再度出现在我的视野之中。不同的是,利索短发中夹杂着白发,谈笑间眼神淡出的鱼尾纹……2008年,本刊专栏“台湾人文”因筹备《台湾电影笔记》采访彼时正在北京的侯孝贤导演。记得他那次说道,拍电影最重要的是如何找到自己,听后于我心有戚戚焉。这5年,因担
Hailing out into the distance with Hou Hsiao-hsien, a well-known filmmaker and the portraiture of Hou Hsiu-hsien, a documentary filmed by Faithless director Olivier Assayas, Back to the childhood memories “A filial Golem ” (Hou Hsiao-hsien baby name) once again appeared in my field of vision. The difference is that short hair mixed with white hair, laughing at the eyes fade out of the crow’s feet ... ... 2008, the magazine column “Taiwan Humanities” for the preparation of “Taiwan Film Notes” interview was Beijing Hou Hsiao-hsien director. I remember when he said that the film is the most important thing is to find himself, after listening to my heart have a relative romance. These five years, because of Tam