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随着煤电铝一体化的提出,产能西移成为铝工业布局的方向。尽管供应过剩造成铝价下跌,仍阻挡不了产能将继续释放的步伐,西部权重将继续扩大。西部电解铝成本优势明显我们知道,号称“电老虎”的电解铝因其成本中大半部分来自电费而得名,按照全国电解铝行业平均耗电14500度来算,一吨电解铝平均成本高达16000元(按全国电费均价0.5元/千瓦时来算)。而西部地区有得天独厚的煤炭资源,因此,其电解铝成本相比其他低区有优势。尤其是新疆,自发电成本只需0.1元/度,电解铝生产成本只有11000元/吨左右。新疆地区虽然有大量的煤炭资源,但是铝土矿资源稀缺,大量电解铝产能的兴建将产生大量的氧化铝需求,而西部地区电解铝原材料氧化铝厂配套产能不足,大部分电解铝需要从中东部省份运输。据了解,按1800万吨的电解铝产量计算,每年要运入的氧化铝将超过3000万吨。目前已经投产产能的氧化铝是从山东、山西、 With the integration of coal, electricity and aluminum, the shift of production capacity to the direction of aluminum industry layout. Despite the drop in aluminum prices caused by oversupply, the pace of capacity will continue to be released and the weight of the western region will continue to expand. Western electrolytic aluminum cost advantage obvious We know that the so-called “electric tiger” electrolytic aluminum because of its cost in most of the electricity from the name, in accordance with the national electrolytic aluminum industry, the average power consumption of 14,500 degrees to count one ton of electrolytic aluminum average cost Up to 16,000 yuan (according to the national electricity price 0.5 yuan / kWh to count). The western region has unique coal resources, therefore, the cost of electrolytic aluminum has advantages over other low areas. Especially in Xinjiang, since the cost of power generation only 0.1 yuan / kWh, electrolytic aluminum production costs only 11,000 yuan / ton. Although a large amount of coal resources in Xinjiang, but bauxite scarce resources, a large number of electrolytic aluminum production capacity will generate a lot of alumina demand, while the electrolytic aluminum raw materials in the western region supporting the lack of capacity, most of the aluminum needs from the Middle East Provincial transport. It is understood that, according to 18 million tons of electrolytic aluminum production calculation, each year to be shipped into the alumina will exceed 30 million tons. Alumina has been put into production capacity from Shandong, Shanxi,
银行文化是在长期的社会借贷活动中形成和发展的 ,是人们进行银行活动的产物 ,信贷文化造就和制约着每一个与银行相关的人 ,并渗透到每一项银行的经营活动中。金融之所以能成