前不久,参加湖南省军区管理工作经验交流会的各军分区、预备役师和省军区机关部门领导以及随后来检查验收的广州军区营房部工作组,置身于“布局规范化,营区林荫化,小区园林化,空地草坪化”的湖南郴州军分区营区,无不感慨这里发生的巨大变化。 三年前,坐落在一个北高南低的山包上的郴州军分区营院,土地贫瘠,水土流失严重,整个营区不见花草树木。房屋破陋,道路坑坑洼洼,使不少前来公干的人员找不着军分区的大门,更让人们难以相信这里竟是一个部队的领导机关大院。 面对破了陋不堪的营区、分区党委和领导以质量建军的战略眼光,作出了3年搞好营区正规化建设的决定,提出了分三步
Not long ago, the leaders of the military divisions, reserve officers and departments of the provincial military authorities participating in the exchange meeting of the management experience in the military region of Hunan Province, as well as the barracks division working group of the Guangzhou Military Region that later inspected and accepted the work, were exposed to “standardization of layout, Garden, turf of open space, ”the Hunan Chenzhou military sub-camp area, are all feeling great changes have taken place here. Three years ago, the barracks of the Chenzhou Army Division located on a hillock north of the south and low in the south were poor in soil and water and soil erosion. There were no flowers and trees in the camp area. Housing shabby, potholes in the road, so that many people come to do business can not find the door to the military partition, leaving people more difficult to believe that here is actually a unit of the leadership of the compound. In the face of the shameful battalion, the party committee of the zoning and the leadership’s strategic vision of building the military by quality, it has made the decision of doing well in the formalization of the camp’s camp in 3 years and has proposed a three-step