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档案管理是高职院校管理工作中的重要内容,它对于学校本身的发展和管理都具有重要的作用。可见高职院校管理中档案管理工作的重要地位,但实际中一些高职院校对于档案管理工作缺乏必要的了解和认识,进而引发了档案管理工作中的一些列问题。本文将对高职院校档案管理工作进行分析,并据此探索高职院校档案管理工作中存在的问题和新形势下开展高职院校档案管理工作的有效措施。 File management is an important part of the management of higher vocational colleges. It plays an important role in the development and management of the school itself. We can see the important position of file management in the management of higher vocational colleges. However, in fact, some higher vocational colleges lacks the necessary understanding and understanding of the file management and leads to some problems in the file management. This article will analyze the file management in higher vocational colleges and explore the existing problems in the file management of higher vocational colleges and the effective measures to carry out the file management in higher vocational colleges in the new situation.
Coesite provides direct evidence for ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Although coesite has been found as inclusions in zircon in paragneiss of the north Qaidam
A stalagmite-based isotope record (No. H82) from Nanjing Hulu Cave, spanning from 16.5 to 10.3 ka BP, provided strong evidence for a coherence relation between
Objective:The purpose of this study was to evaluate differences in morbidity,progression-free interval,and survival in women with advanced epithelial ovarian ca
摘 要:课程考试方法作为评价教与学的结果起着非常重要的作用,工学结合一体化教学课程考试应该采用多样化、个性化的评价方式,并融入在教与学的整个过程中。采用过程考核,可以更好地激励学生的学习兴趣和自信心,引导学生创新和实践;有利于教师时刻关注学生的学习过程,进行针对性教学,及时调整教学思路,促进学生在学习过程中的思维、情感、态度等因素的协调发展。   关键词:一体化课程;过程考核;考试方法  一体化
摘要:本文拟根据笔者的教学实习经验与心得,从一义多性词多性多义词互动教学前的工具书使用等三个维度对互动教学模式在中学英语阅读词汇精讲做一个归纳与总结,希望对中学英语教学有所裨益。    关键词:互动教学模式;中学英语阅读;词汇精讲;运用   一、一义多性词   通说认为,在中学英语教学中阅读分为pre-reading while-reading after-readi
Just like contemporary sediments, peat itself is a good repository of information about climate change, the effects of volcanic activity on climate change have