【摘 要】
This article analyses the relations between the“style and features of ancient capital”and the“newlooks of the capital”,and expounds the guiding ideasand the
【出 处】
China City Planning Review
This article analyses the relations between the“style and features of ancient capital”and the“newlooks of the capital”,and expounds the guiding ideasand the planning layout for the area between ChanganStreet and the Qiansanmen Street.The core idea of this Planning is to set up a charac-teristic axis from east to west,with Tiananmen Squareat its centre,in the area between the Changan Streetand the Qiansanmen Street;which may fully embodythe capital’s position being the political and cultural cen-tre and cater to the needs of modernization.
This article analyses the relations between the “style and features of ancient capital” and the “newlooks of the capital”, and expounds the guiding ideasand the planning layout for the area between ChanganStreet and the Qiansanmen Street.The core idea of this Planning is Set up a charac-teristic axis from east to west, with Tiananmen Squareat its centre, in the area between the Changan Street and the Qiansanmen Street;which may fully embodythe capital’s position being the political and cultural cen-tre and cater to the needs of modernization .
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摘 要 “人肉搜索”是随着信息时代的发展而出现的新型网络现象,其存在的合法性基础尤其是与公民隐私权保护间的关系备受争议。本文主要从“人肉搜索”的合理性、合法性基础上探讨其与隐私权的冲突问题,认为应对“人肉搜索”进行法律规制,从而实现权利之间的平衡。 关键词 人肉搜索 隐私权 权利冲突 法律规制 作者简介:余云,四川大学法学院硕士研究生。 中图分类号:D923文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-