一、明确地位与作用,坚定做好国有企业党建工作的信心 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱,对经济发展起主导作用?目前,我国国有企业改革正处于承前启后,继往开来的关键时期,任务十分繁重和艰巨。这就要求我们必须高度重视和切实加强国有企业党
I. Clear Position and Role and Firm Confidence in Party Building in State-owned Enterprises State-owned enterprises are the pillar of China’s national economy and play a leading role in economic development. At present, the reform of state-owned enterprises in our country is now at a crucial stage of carrying forward the past and going forward. The tasks are very heavy And arduous. This requires us to attach great importance to and effectively strengthen the state-owned enterprise party