20世纪初清王朝的“新政” ,是中国走向现代化的重要一步 ,在这个历史的转折时期 ,作为内地经济文化滞后、信息闭塞的贵州省 ,在其现代化的步伐中 ,按照西式制度组织起来的新军及其军官 ,可以说起到了重要的作用
The “New Deal” of the early Qing Dynasty in the early 20th century was an important step towards China’s modernization. In this turning point of history, as the lagging behind economic and cultural information in the Mainland, Guizhou Province, with its information blocked, was organized according to the Western system at the pace of its modernization The new army and its officers can be said to have played an important role