Building up an Economical Mind on Shopping Behavior Of University Girls

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  Xie Xiu-zhen Wei Jing-xiang
  (Liaocheng University,Shandong Liaocheng,252059, China)
  【Abstract】 With the improvement of people’s living standard and internet technology, online shopping has been widely spread. After 2007, large amount of university girls that born after 90s rushed into university, and they have aroused a lot disputes on shopping. On the one hand, they are enjoying a better life ever than before due to a better society. On the other hand, teenagers nowadays are facing a more changeable and unpredictable world which need them having the ability of telling goods from bads. Therefore, learning more knowledge about their majors and establish a correct outlook on life and values are essencial for them. This paper is to analyze the behaviors of university girls along with the psychology factors.
  【Key Words】university girls ; shopping attitudes,;solution
  After the reform and opening-up policy, China has made a great progress in economy and the society’s consumptiou level is improved a lot. And which worth mentioned here is that under the trend of shopping on line, university girls have been an backbone in consumption. Therefore the construction of a more resources-saved society needs their efforts more than before.That is to say , university girls must set up the correct consumption values and do some shopping reasonably. The key is that university girls are a special group due to their ages and growing backgrounds, which leaves a lot of problems in their consumption behaviors.
  University is an academic place where students not only learn their professional skills, but also need through continuous learning and thinking to complete a process of reshaping the outlook on life values.Ideas and thoughts in the university contact will have a significant impact to university girls .Therefore, we must focus on university girls' consumption views, further analyze the internal causes of the problems and through various means to solve these problems,to help university girls set up the correct consumption views.
  There are five problems existing in university girls’ shopping behaviors through the survey on 1000 students:
  1.Low shopping power compared with their advanced shopping concepts. On the one hand, they have a tremendous volume of demand and also a potent power of shopping which cannot be neglected. On the other hand, they still cannot be separable from family’s support and they usually get restrained by it. According to the statistics, more than 12.7% university girls have the experience of buying things even in debt.It shows that the girls are lacking of the concepts of managing their money.   2.Although most people shopping with rational minds, the phenomenon of shopping under vanity——being after brand is still common. Most university girls say that when choosing goods, they not only think about the cost performance but also take the element of brand into deep account. Some university girls even tend to compare their things with their classmates or roommates. Another fact we have to pay attention to is that for most university girls, they have formed their preference of brands. It’s said that over 80% schoolgirs tend to buy things with name brand, and there are even 13.7% of university girls say that they have experience of buying things using their alimony.
  3.There is a distinct gap between the rich and the poor. For those university girls that were born in a wealthy family——having more characteristics of the new generation tend to buy luxury goods, and have shopping behavior without reasou. While there are still some university girls whose families even have difficulty to afford tuitions.
  4.Lacking of financing awareness, most of them often buy things without deep thoughts. Due to the birth control in 90s, most of university girls nowadays are the only child of their families. And because of that parents usually cannot help to spoiling their child, it’s bad for their child to set a correct consuming mind. According to the statistics, only 2.7% of university girls have the habit of accounting, and 32.3% schoolgirls have a clear plan on their pocket money. However, they just spend their money without thinking.
  5.Online shopping has put a significant effect on schoolgirls’ shopping pattern. The statistics shows that over 92.7% of schoolgirls’ shopping on line,and 40.5% of them buy most of things online. With its undeniable advantages of convenience, fast services and multi-choice goods, shopping online has been a main way of shopping today. It is both a blessing and a curse——when it has provoked the volume of shopping, it also makes expand schoolgirls expense as well. More often than not, they pay a unreasonable prize for a needless thing, and it’s more often in girl shopping.
  Since we have find the through all the analysis of problems existing in university girls shopping behaviors above, we are going to analyzed what factors cause these problems as follows:
  Consumer psychology means a set of psychology during a process of buying something. It’s the one of the most important factors that contributes to consumers purchasing motivation preference and their choices. And it can be roughly divided into four types——conformity of one’s social hub, obtaining for novelty, comparing with someone and economical. What’s more, the driving force of shopping is their real need; it both comes from command indeed and environment stimulation. Therefore the factors that contribute to these problems can be listed as follows:   1.Lacking of shopping experience. Most of university girls have not formed a stable shopping consciousness, therefore when they are shopping by themselves, it is difficulty to make a reasonable and matched shopping plan。What’s more, it cause them to follow the trend .
  2.Difficulty in controlling themselves. University girls tend to be easily tempted by environment around, and they may usually buy something impetuously. In spite of low purchasing powers still buy some luxury goods. This kind of behavior is harmful to girl’s characteristic development.
  3.Trend and the influence of the social hub plays an important role.University girl is a group that at the turning point of school and society, there are more chance for them to get in touch with society, therefore it’s more often for them to be effected by social shopping habits and minds. According to the recent research, consumers’ behaviors are easy to be influenced by people around them, so they may buy something quite expensive but useless.
  4.Schools having not helping the university girls to form right shopping attitudes. Another factor that contributes to girls’ misunderstanding on shopping is the lack of relative education in. university Today’s higher education put most attention on how to improve girl’s professional ability, which is not enough for them. University should put equivalent emphasis on helping girls to build up a correct mind on the world, so as a right shopping habit. The fact is many schools don’t have the ideological and political courses, and only economic have consumption psychology and behavior research course. Secondly, university teachers do not provide enough guide of the university girls' correct consumption view. Last but not least, the atmosphere in university lacks of the features of diligence and frugality, and it will lead consumption behaviors towards misunderstanding stage. In terms of these facts, the coming-up solutions are as follows:
  On the one hand, university need to build some relative to guide girls to establish a correct concept of finance. In addition, make financial knowledge diffusion can also with the help of words, such as hosting speech lecture or debate to financial management concept and financial knowledge education of university girls, stimulate girlts interest in financial management, make them understand the basic knowledge of finance, that cause them in addition to the attention of the finance, can practice assignment, such as let girls use holiday to do household survey design family financial report, try for the income of the family planning arrangements, learn to open source throttling, scientific financial management through words, let girls understand from the perspective of the family   On the other hand, their parents need to give a certain amount of pocket money to their children. Parents are their children’s best teachers because of the special relationship, therefore it’s advantageous for parents to give the first education of the consumption culture firstly, parents should set an example for their child. Stopping wasting, renewing the idea, and moderate supplies can help children to cultivate the consciousness of reasonable mind of expected income and expenditure in the end. All in all, parents should give children own thrifty behavior, their reasonable economic concepts and let children realize the importance and necessity of managing money scientifically, and master money management skills.
  In addition, to encouraging more children to participate in social practice activities of the society is good for the child's correct consumption view and the concept of financial culture. In a word, the university period is the preparation of the university girls before entering society to learn the golden age of finance.
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  This paper is sponsed by the research Shandong university students'education and management.The topic is “On University Girls Thought and Education in New Stage”(Project number:2013c016).
【摘 要】著名教育家叶圣陶先生说过:“教育是什么,往简单方面说,只有一句话,就是养成良好的习惯……”在多年的班主任工作中,使我深深地懂得小学阶段是人的成长的起步阶段,也是人的基础素质形成的开始阶段,而良好的班风班貌是各种习惯养成的基础,低年级则是良好习惯养成的关键期。  【关键词】 习惯的培养;鼓励;主动性  作为担负“万丈高楼平地起”的铺路人,应该如何把握好这一关键期?如何整体优化班风班貌?如何
【摘 要】紧张的高三学习已经开始,许多同学因为英语成绩不佳而逐渐失去信心。其实同学们不必过分担心,只要我们下定决心,采取适合自己的学习方法,勤奋努力,完全可以在短时间内较大幅度提高英语成绩。造成英语成绩不佳的原因很多,如较低的学习兴趣、不良的学习习惯等。对此,同学们首先要自己好好总结,认识到自己存在的问题,再对症下药。  【关键词】英语;基础薄弱;补弱  一、分析存在的问题  (一)时间安排问题 
【摘 要】十年树木,百年树人。没有培养的“过程”,就没有教育的“结果”。孩子学语文,主要通过学校老师的教学和语文课本,但这不是唯一的途径。语文功夫在课外,重要的是在家庭里创造良好的学习氛围,为了孩子创造学习的条件和机会,培养孩子的语言能力。  【关键词】小学语文;培养;学习能力  一、一年级孩子学习语文应注意什么  1、孩子有着很强的模仿性。孩子好模仿,孩子的学习也是从模仿开始的。父母、老师、长辈
【摘 要】学生的品德与社会性发展源于他们对生活的认识、体验和感悟,学生的生活对本课程的构建具有重要价值。强调必须从学生发展的现实和可能出发,提高德育的实效性。教学要因地制宜地营造有利于学生品德和行为习惯养成,选取学生生活中真实可信的生动事例,采用学生乐于和适于接受的生动活泼的方式,帮助他们认识和解决现实生活中的问题,使教学成为学生体验生活、道德成长的有效过程。新课标强调师生互动,这就要求教师面向主
【摘 要】随着现代科技的飞速发展,各种电子科技产品应运而生,针对学生学习的产品也日益增多,尤其是针对最大的学生困难群体—英语学习困难学生的产品品种多样,功能各异,有的可以堪称功能强大。但是,这些科技产品对学生英语的学习到底都有什么帮助,同时会不会有一些不可避免的弊端呢。本文笔者从教学实践出发,着重探究先进的现代科技产品对小学生英语学习到底有哪些利弊进行入手,进行多方面探究,希望能与教育同仁共勉。 
【摘 要】人力资源管理的必备手段之一就属绩效考核,它不仅对企业的发展有极其重要的作用,而且对人力资源的开发和利用更是重中之重。但是很多企业在实施绩效考核的过程中出现了众多的问题,直接影响到绩效考核的结果。本文在分析企业绩效考核存在的问题及产生的原因的基础上,提出了改善企业绩效考核的对策。  【关键词】人力资源管理;绩效考核;对策  一、企业绩效考核存在的问题及原因分析  (一)绩效考核存在的问题 
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【摘 要】 语文新课标强调阅读教学是教师、学生以及文本之间的多重对话,也是思想碰撞和心灵交流的动态过程。由此可见,对话教学在小学语文阅读教学中具有极其重要的作用。本文从对话教学在小学语文阅读教学中的使用效果进行分析,为小学语文阅读教学的有效实施提供参考。  【关键词】 对话教学;小学语文;阅读教学;效果  一、前言  小学语文课堂的阅读教学包括文本、师生对话、生生对话、课堂环境等要素构成。教师在进
【摘 要】小学作文教学一直是小学语文教学中的重点、难点,也是长期以来让学生最感头疼的事。小学低年级作文能力的培养,应该从看图写话训练起步,看图写话是作文最初步的训练,是培养刚刚进入小学的孩子的认识能力、形象思维能力、想象能力和表达能力的良好途径。  【关键词】 小学语文;多看多想;多说多写  一听说要看图写话,很多孩子感到害怕,似乎觉得没话可说,没话可写。就拿我的孩子来说吧,其实也是这种情况。每次
【摘 要】针对我院自动化生产设备应用专业现有的实验实训条件,我们应当采取措施努力使得自己的专业建设跨上一个新高度,办出自己的特色,以促进课程改革的全面进行,确保职业教育的可持续性发展。现结合基于工作过程导向的课程体系改革的课程开发与建设来谈谈自己对专业建设方法的思考。  【关键词】自动化生产;专业课程改革  一、基于工作过程导向课程体系开发的认识  基于工作过程导向课程体系开发与课程建设应当以企业