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日本全国有57所县立农业学校,专门招收高中毕业生,通过3~4年的学习、实践,培养合格的农民。同时还举办“绿色学园”,对将要从事农业生产的高中生进行农业经营知识的函授教育。日本农村还有4000多个青年俱乐部,帮助农民提高科技文化水平,活跃农村生活。 Throughout the country, there are 57 county agricultural schools that specialize in recruiting high school graduates and cultivating qualified farmers through 3-4 years of study and practice. At the same time also held a “green academy”, will be engaged in agricultural production of high school students to carry out agricultural education correspondence education. There are more than 4,000 youth clubs in Japan’s rural areas, helping farmers to raise the level of science and technology and culture and active rural life.
漫长的冬季让众多网络淘金者无以为继,互联网逐渐变得现实起来。盈利模式成为资本选择网站的重要条件,业务清晰、模式单纯,以阿里巴巴、慧聪为代表的商务平台网站的强大就是例证,而ebay、淘宝网更是发动民众都投入网络商业之中。    相比之下,门户网站的业务、盈利都还不是十分清晰,营销缺乏手段,内容越来越剑走偏锋,这样下去生命力势必越来越弱。    症结:缺乏创新,暴冷至上    而今的门户网站在正常的新