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传统的观念认为:原始森林属国家所有,不能成为商品。原始林的形成是由于“自然力的作用”,因而没有价值。根据这种观念,原始森林由国家交给林业企业无偿使用;考核林业企业的经济效益时,不考核对森林资源的占用和耗费;木材售价中,不包括作为劳动对象的原始林木的价格。实践证明,已开发原始林区资源锐减,破坏浪费严重,其原因均与资源无偿使用有着直接、间接的关系。随着林业经济体制改革研究的深入,人们普遍感到了对森林资源无偿使用的危害,呼吁尽快调整林业政策。森林资源不是商品的传统观念,受到了挑战,有必要加以重新认识。笔者认为,原始森林有商品性。理由基于以下几点:①没有价值的东西可以有价格。森林是一种稀缺资源,具有生长慢、破坏易、恢复难的特点。早在四十年代,苏联著名经济学家康托罗维奇在《资源最优利用的经济计算》一书中,就提出了资源的“客观 The traditional view is that the virgin forest belongs to the state and can not be a commodity. The formation of primary forest is due to the “role of natural forces,” and therefore of no value. According to this concept, the original forest is handed over to the forestry enterprises by the state for free use. When assessing the economic benefits of the forestry enterprises, the occupation and consumption of the forest resources are not examined. The price of the timber for sale does not include the price of the original forest as the labor object. Practice has proved that the original forest resources have been developed sharp reduction in the destruction of serious waste, the reasons for the use of resources and have a direct and indirect relationship. With the deepening of the research on the reform of the forestry economic system, people generally feel the harm to the free use of forest resources and call for adjusting the forestry policy as soon as possible. Forest resources are not traditional concepts of commodities, they are challenged and need to be re-recognized. I believe that the original forest is commercial. The reason is based on the following points: ① There is no value of things that can have price. The forest is a scarce resource with the characteristics of slow growth, easy destruction and difficult recovery. As early as the forties, the famous Soviet economist Turnuo Weiqi in his book “The Economic Calculation of Optimal Utilization of Resources” put forward the "objective
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Negative images Light bulb jokes are an example of satire[讽刺],and are funny when the audience agrees with the stereotypes used in them;and like most stereotyp
1 概述  20世纪60年代中期利用导光玻璃纤维束作为光通路的纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)问世,日本学者池田(Ikeda)等将其应用于临床.由于纤支镜具有管径细、可弯曲转换方向、能插入深部支气管、照明采光好、视野范围大、视野清晰、能直接检查到局部微小病变以及气管支气管动力学状况等优点,所以是传统的肺部X线平片、支气管造影和CT等临床检查不可比拟的.