在小学自然教学中,结合教学内容,因地制宜,自制和运用学具,不仅能弥补办学条件的不足,优化自然教学,而且还能激发学生学习兴趣,开发学生智力,对提高自然教学质量,培养手、脑并用的复合型人才起着不可忽视作用。在几年的教学实践中,由于我重视了让学生自制和运用学具,已初步尝到了一些“甜头”。 一、利用学具激发学习兴趣 兴趣能激发学生的求知欲。为此,自然教师在教学中应结合教学内容及学生实际,有目的的引导学生制作一些模型、用具或实物标本,培养动手制作的能力,巧妙激发学习兴趣。尤其是在低年级自然教学中,教师如果能根
In primary school nature teaching, combining teaching content, local conditions, self-made and using learning tools, not only can make up for the lack of running conditions, optimize natural teaching, but also stimulate students 'interest in learning, develop students' intelligence, improve the quality of natural teaching, , Brain and use of complex talents can not be ignored. In my few years of teaching practice, I have initially tasted some “sweetness” because I have attached importance to letting students create and use their own learning tools. First, the use of learning to stimulate interest in learning to stimulate students' curiosity. To this end, natural teachers in teaching should be combined with the actual teaching content and students, purposely guide students to make some models, utensils or in-kind specimens to develop hands-on production skills, ingenious stimulate interest in learning. Especially in the lower grades of natural teaching, if teachers can root