Amsterdam European Gateway to World Trade——An interview with Hans Gerson, President and CEO, Amsterd

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With the development of eco nomic and trade relations between China and Europe, more and more European ports become familiar to Chinese customers. As one of the most important gateways in the EU, the Port of Amsterdam, the sparkling pearl centered on North Sea Canal, is now attracting more and more attention from all over the world. In 2002 Amsterdam Ports again achieved record transshipments of over 70 million tons. After Hamburg, Amsterdam is the fastest growing port complex in northwest Europe. The Port of Amsterdam is currently 17th in world rankings and 4th in Western Europe. In the forthcoming 51th anniversary of With the development of eco nomic and trade relations between China and Europe, more and more European ports become familiar to Chinese customers. As one of the most important gateways in the EU, the Port of Amsterdam, the sparkling pearl centered on North Sea Canal, is now attracting more and more attention from all over the world. In 2002 Amsterdam Ports again achieved record transshipments of over 70 million tons. After Hamburg, Amsterdam is the fastest growing port complex in northwest Europe. The Port of Amsterdam is currently 17th in world rankings and 4th in Western Europe. In the forthcoming 51th anniversary of
目的 观察分析云南不明原因聚集性猝死病例心肌炎的病理改变特点,探讨心肌炎在这类猝死中的作用.方法 心肌炎的病理诊断参照Dallas和世界心脏联合会的标准.分析云南省1991-2006年进行猝死监测期间收集的尸检病例29例,其中14例为心肌炎病例.心肌炎患者年龄8~68岁,平均30岁.男9例、女5例.回顾流行病学资料,核查心脏标本,观察心脏等器官的组织切片,其中3例做了心脏传导系统检查.结果 心肌炎
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