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近十多年来马克思主义批评在西方再度兴起。美国的马克思主义理论,基本上可以说是法兰克福学派的黑格尔体系,第二次世界大战以后,受意识形态气氛的影响,美国只有阿多尔诺和霍克海默的少数哲学著作扎下根来。英国的马克思主义批评,30年代以后,长期处于衰落状态;它复兴于60年代,1968年的“动乱”和此后欧洲大陆思想的涌入,对复兴起了巨大的推动作用。杰姆逊和伊格 The criticism of Marxism has risen again in the west in the past ten years or so. The Marxist theory of the United States can basically be described as the Hegelian system of the Frankfurt School. After the Second World War, under the influence of the ideological atmosphere, only a handful of philosophical writings by Adorno and Horkheimer took root in the United States . Marxist criticism in the United Kingdom has been declining for a long time since the 1930s. It rejuvenated in the 1960s and the turmoil of 1968 and the influx of mainland European ideas thereafter, which played a huge role in promoting the revival. Jameson and Iggy
遇见,是一场缘分的开始。未曾谋面之前,我从未想过有那么多志同道合的语文人,也从未探究过语文人那颗孜孜以求的好学之心。经此之后,我慢慢懂得语文是一道需要等候的风景,在等候归人的旅途中你将会有美丽的邂逅。  初见李爱梅老师,是在教师版杂志的封面上,金黄的油菜花田里,李老师温婉地侧身而笑,远方的蓝天与近处的低笑和谐地印在我的脑海中。此次会议,有幸见得真身,脑海中倏地闪过“胸藏文墨虚若谷,腹有诗书气自华”