
来源 :临床血液学杂志(输血与检验) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lemon2513
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目的:了解湖州市居民献血知识掌握程度及献血意愿,为采取针对性招募措施提供理论依据。方法:自行设计调查问卷,对所辖5个县(市)、区,随机抽取年龄18岁以上100人进行调查。结果:被调查者回答问题总正确率为30.54%,其中男性正确率为32.0%,女性为28.6%;参加过无偿献血者和未参加过无偿献血者回答问题的正确率分别为63.2%和26.2%;近期有献血打算者占2.1%(10/473),其中参加过献血者和未参加过无偿献血者比例分别为12.2%(6/49)和0.9%(4/424)。初中及以下、高中及中专、大专以上组,回答问题的正确率分别为23.9%、34.4%和39.4%。结论:湖州市居民无偿献血相关知识的总体知晓率较低,男性和女性比较知晓率差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0.598,P>0.05);随着文化程度的升高,无偿献血知识知晓率明显提高(χ~2=9.195,P<0.05),但献血意愿并不与知晓率相一致。初中及以下学历的人群知晓率低,针对这一特定人群进行动员招募,可以作为今后努力的方向。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the mastery of blood donation and blood donation willingness of residents in Huzhou City, and to provide a theoretical basis for the targeted recruitment measures. Methods: The questionnaire was designed by ourselves, and 5 counties (cities) and districts under their jurisdiction were randomly selected for investigation. Results: The respondents answered the question with a total accuracy rate of 30.54%, of which the correct rate was 32.0% for males and 28.6% for females; the correct rates of answering questions for those who participated in voluntary blood donation and those who did not participate in voluntary blood donation were 63.2% and 26.2% respectively %. Recently, blood donors accounted for 2.1% (10/473), of whom 12.2% (6/49) and 0.9% (4/424) respectively participated in blood donation and unpaid blood donation. Junior middle school and below, high school and secondary school, college or above, the correct rate of answering questions were 23.9%, 34.4% and 39.4% respectively. CONCLUSION: The overall awareness rate of unpaid blood donation among residents in Huzhou City is relatively low. There is no significant difference in the awareness rate between male and female (χ ~ 2 = 0.598, P> 0.05). With the increase of educational level, knowledge of unpaid blood donation The awareness rate was significantly higher (χ ~ 2 = 9.195, P <0.05), but the willingness to donate blood was not consistent with the awareness rate. The rate of awareness of people with junior high school education or below is low, and mobilization of recruits for this particular group of people can serve as a direction for future efforts.
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