目的了解银行营业厅的卫生状况。方法随机抽取苏州市吴江区16家银行营业厅进行卫生学检测以及基本情况、卫生知识和满意度问卷调查。结果 16家营业厅中,仅1家卫生学检测合格(6.25%)。空气质量检测项目中,CO2、甲醛、细菌总数等项目合格率为100%,不合格的项目为温度(56.25%)和相对湿度(81.25%);公共用具检测项目中,台面、椅子、取款机大肠菌群合格率均为93.75%,霉菌合格率分别为65.63%、78.13%、50.00%。顾客不满意项目主要为营业厅的温度、通风和环境卫生。结论吴江区银行营业厅卫生状况总体较差,建议将银行营业厅纳入公共场所,按相应标准进行管理。
Objective To understand the health status of the bank business hall. Methods A total of 16 banks in Wujiang District of Suzhou City were randomly selected for health examination and questionnaire survey of basic knowledge, hygiene knowledge and satisfaction. Results Of the 16 business offices, only one hygiene test passed (6.25%). Air quality testing items, CO2, formaldehyde, total bacteria and other projects with a pass rate of 100%, unqualified items for the temperature (56.25%) and relative humidity (81.25%); public appliances test items, tables, chairs, ATMs Coliform bacteria pass rate was 93.75%, mold pass rates were 65.63%, 78.13%, 50.00%. Customers are not satisfied with the project mainly for the operating room temperature, ventilation and sanitation. Conclusion Wujiang District Bank Office overall poor health status, it is proposed to include the Bank Office into public places, according to the corresponding standards for management.