VICKY,上海美和语言进修学校培训师,26岁,老家江苏来上海前,VICKY 便信誓旦旦要好好作为一番,先前是个小城镇的小学英语教师,现在摇身一变成了高级语言进修学校的培训师,专教外国人学中文。VICKY 说,她喜欢这样的改变,虽然依旧混迹在英语的圈子里,但感觉
VICKY, Shanghai Meihe Language Training School Trainer, 26-year-old, before his hometown of Jiangsu came to Shanghai, VICKY would vow to take it as promised. Formerly a small town English teacher, he has now become a trainer for advanced language learning school. Teaching foreigners to learn Chinese. Vicky said she likes such a change, although still mixed in the English circle, but the feeling