一、新建住宅区及商住楼的通名管理问题 广东地名管理已基本走上法制化轨道。但是,广东经济发展很快,也出现一些新情况新问题。例如,新建住宅区及商住楼较多,伴随出现一大批多姿多彩、中西结合的地名,从一个侧面反映了改革开放中建筑文化的一大特色。个别照搬外国人名地名作为建筑物名称的,已被明令禁止。其中,大量存在的是通名用词不规范、名不副实的建筑物名和住宅区名。如新城、新村者无旧城、旧村与之相对,称广场者只有楼房并无广场,
First, the new residential area and commercial real estate management problems Name management in Guangdong has basically embarked on a legal track. However, the economy of Guangdong has developed rapidly and new problems and new problems have also emerged. For example, there are many new residential areas and commercial and residential buildings, accompanied by a large number of colorful and integrated Chinese and Western names, reflecting one major feature of architectural culture in the course of reform and opening up. It has been expressly forbidden to copy individual names of foreigners as the names of buildings. Among them, there is a large number of common names are not standardized, unworthy of the name of the building and residential area name. Such as Metro, Village no old city, the old village with the opposite, saying that square only building without square,