阿瑟·卡萨格兰德(Arthur Casagrande),1902年8月28日生于奥地利的海登沙夫特(Haidenshaft)。1919年进入维也纳工业大学,毕业后曾在水力学实验室作沙夫麦克(Schaffermack)教授的助手。1926年移居美国。他在一次去麻省理工学院(MIT)参加会见的机会中见到太沙基(K.Terzaghi)教授,太沙基立即对他的能力表示欣赏,并克服困难,想方设法为卡萨格兰德在公共道路局谋一职务,而让他在麻省理工学院作自己的助手。1926年夏季他两人在一起共事几星期,当年12月才正式被任用。从此以后直到由于健康原因迫使他退休,五十余年来,卡萨格兰德一直全心全意为发展土力学这门科学而努力。
Arthur Casagrande, born August 28, 1902 in Haidnshaft, Austria. After graduating in 1919 at the Vienna Polytechnic University, he worked as an aide to Professor Schaffermack in the Hydraulics Laboratory. In 1926 moved to the United States. When he met Professor K.Terzaghi at a MIT visit, he immediately appreciated his ability and overcame his difficulties, trying to find ways for Casa Grande In the Public Roads Bureau to seek a position, and let him as his own assistant at MIT. In the summer of 1926, the two of them worked together for a few weeks before they were officially appointed in December of that year. From then on until he was forced to retire for health reasons, Casa Grande, for more than fifty years, has been wholeheartedly working for the science of soil mechanics.