The patient was female, 34 years old. She had developed cough, chest tightness, wheezing, hoarseness, and other symptoms since February 1983. She had been treated for several months according to “Bronchitis”. The condition was getting worse. No fever, no chest pain. She was taken in September of that year. Lateral X-ray films showed that a curved soft tissue mass was visible in the tracheal cavity in front of the 5-7 vertebrae of the cervical spine and was approximately 6cm×2.3cm. The airway airway was significantly narrowed. Cause narrow lumen, move back. With the help of the intratracheal air column and the esophageal malleolar column, the lump was elliptical and the boundary was smooth. X-ray diagnosis: tracheal tumors. The indirect laryngoscopy revealed that behind the glottis, a gray-white polyp-like neoplasm protrudes from the posterior wall of the trachea of the trachea 1 to 5 in the posterior wall of the trachea.