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明代弘治八年(1495年),有位童生初次赴京城应试,因卷面字迹拙陋,被考官判为三等,逐出考场。这位考生不甘心,嘉靖元年(1522年),他第九次赴试,还是落榜而归。三十年落第潦倒,对于一位古代读书人的打击可想而知。两年后,这位士子的命运有了转机。巡抚李充嗣受新任刑部尚书林俊之托,向朝廷推荐,朝廷授予这位士子为翰林院待诏,并参与修撰《武宗实录》。这位士子就是明代著名的书画家文徵明。文徵明(1470—1559),初名璧,字徵明,号衡山,江苏长洲人。他以书画名世,画名盖过书名。文徵明起初向当 Hongzhi eight years of the Ming Dynasty (1495), a child’s first attempt to go to the capital for the examination, due to humble book surface, the examiner sentenced to third, expelled from the examination room. The examinee was unwilling, Jiajing first year (1522), he went to the ninth test, or get home. Thirty years down the line, for the fight against an ancient scholar can imagine. Two years later, the fate of this scholar turned a corner. Governor Li Chongsi by the new Department of Justice Shangshu Lin Jun care, recommended to the court, the court granted the Scholar to be Imperial Academy to be Chao, and participated in the compilation of “Wuzong real record.” The scholar is the Ming Dynasty famous painter Wen Zhengming. Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), the first name Bi, word Zheng Ming, No. Hengshan, Jiangsu Changzhou people. He is famous for his calligraphy and painting, his title is over the title. Wen Zhengming at first
目前中药的同名异物现象极为普遍,造成临床用药混乱。临床常用的豆根分为北豆根与山豆根,《中国药典》早在1997年版就将两药分别收载,以便区分,时至今日。 At present, the
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AIM: To study the modulatory effects of angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) on the delayed rectifier potassium (Kv) current (IKv) and its underlying intracellular mechanism