Sertoli cells, also known as supporting cells or podocytes, are the only non-germ cells in the testicular germinal epithelium. The cell was first described by Sertoli in 1865 and considered as a vegetative and supporting cell for spermatogenic cells. 1871 Ebher according to the cell cytoplasm surrounded by a continuous germ cell population and the simultaneous development of sperm cells embedded in its enlarged top of the cytoplasm of the germ speculated that there is a certain relationship between germ cells and Sertoli cells. For nearly a century, Sertoli cells did not attract more attention. In recent years, through the study of testicular electron microscope and the extensive application of cell culture technology, people have a clearer understanding of the submicroscopic structure and physiological functions of Sertoli cells, and recognize that the cells are closely related to the process of spermatogenesis and interfere with the process of Sertoli cells Physiological function will lead to spermatogenesis disorders. Find a choice