汤沐海,1949年生,漳州华安人,曾在柏林跟随指挥大师赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬学习,20世纪80年代起先后担任国内外交响乐团、歌剧院的常任指挥和音乐总监。我不收弟子了,你是例外1 978年,汤沐海从上海音乐学院指挥系毕业后留校任教,正碰上政府第一批招考留学生,他考上了慕尼黑音乐学院。到了德国后,正巧柏林要举办卡拉扬国际青年指挥比赛,他符合参赛条件,他的导师赫尔曼教授也极力推荐。汤沐海办妥报名手续领到了参赛邀请通知和比赛曲目。
Tang Muhai, born in 1949, Zhangzhou Hua’an, studied command at Herbert von Karajan in Berlin. Since the 1980s, he has served as a permanent conductor and director of music at the domestic and international symphony orchestras and opera houses. I do not accept disciples, you are the exception In 1978, Tang Muhai graduated from the Conservatory of Shanghai Conservatory of Music after graduation to teach, is running into the government’s first recruiting students, he admitted to the Munich Conservatory of Music. After arriving in Germany, it happened that Berlin would host Karajan International Youth Commanding Competition. He qualified for the competition, and his mentor Professor Hermann strongly recommended. Tang Muhai completed the registration formalities invited notice of the invitation and the competition track.