我们今天所说的大众文化是一个特定范畴 ,它主要指兴起于当代都市的 ,与当代大工业密切相关的 ,以全球化的现代传媒 (特别是电子传媒 )为介质大批量生产与消费的 ,采取时尚化运作方式的当代文化。不管大众文化是恶魔还是福音 ,它都是二十世纪冷战结束后人类最重大的历史事件。
The mass culture we are talking about today is a specific category. It refers mainly to the mass production and consumption of mediums that are modernized by globalization (especially the electronic media) and are mainly related to contemporary large industries and are closely related to the contemporary big industry. Contemporary culture that takes a fashion mode of operation. Regardless of whether the popular culture is devil or gospel, it is the most significant historical event of mankind since the end of the Cold War in the 20th century.