Selection of Environmental Conditions for Nearshore Structure Design

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vkw74
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Different from the traditional one dimensional extreme value statistical method, practical design criteria for nearshore structure design are presented based on joint probability theory in this paper. The proposed procedure considers the combined effect of tide level, huge waves and wind affecting coastal structures. The Importance Sampling Procedure (ISP) is utilized to solve the joint distribution of non Gaussian correlated multivariate distributions. The calculation results show that the ISP is a simulating technique with the advantages of efficiency and high convergency. Finally the environmental conditions are given using this technique for near shore structure design in the Qingdao area. Different from the traditional one dimensional extreme value statistical method, practical design criteria for nearshore structure design are presented based on joint probability theory in this paper. The proposed procedure considers the combined effect of tide level, huge waves and wind affecting coastal structures. The Importance Sampling Procedure (ISP) is utilized to solve the joint distribution of non Gaussian correlated multivariate distributions. The calculation results show that the ISP is a simulating technique with the advantages of high and convergency. Finally the environmental conditions are given using this technique for near shore structure design in the Qingdao area.
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