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今天是奶奶的六十大寿。一大早,我们就赶到奶奶家,帮着忙活。进进出出间,我发现奶奶有点不对劲儿——她不时地向门口张望着,若有所盼。爷爷悄悄告诉我:“昨晚你奶奶还念叨着,和她一起跳广场舞的几个老姐妹今天要来。依我看哪,人家只是随口说说,不沾亲带故的,何况外面还下着雨,十有八九不会来了。”临近中午,雨越下越大,天地间织起了宽大的珠帘。饭菜都端上了桌,突 Today is my grandmother’s 60th birthday. Early in the morning, we arrived at my grandmother’s house, helping busy. In and out of the room, I found that my grandma was a bit wrong - she looked up to the door from time to time, and if I had any hope of it. Grandpa quietly told me: “Last night, your grandmother is also talking about, with her several old sisters dancing square dance today to come .In my opinion, people just casually talk, do not kiss relatives with you, not to mention the outside It is raining, and will not come in all likelihood. ”" Near noon, rain is getting bigger and bigger, between the world woven a large bead curtain. Food are served on the table, suddenly