Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Bridge is located in the center of Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo, an economically developed triangle zone. The bridge spans Cixi, Ningbo, and Lipu, Jiaxing in the north, spanning the mouth of the mouth of the mouth of the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay with complex hydrological and meteorological conditions; the bridge is 36 kilometers long and the length of the connecting line between the north and south banks is 84.4 kilometers; the bridge is designed to be a two-way six-lane expressway. 100 kilometers per hour, service life of more than 100 years; the total investment of the bridge and the cross-strait connecting line is about 16 billion yuan, and is open to private capital; the bridge starts construction at the end of 2003, and is fully operational by the end of June 2007. It is planned for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Before the official opening. The bridge that spans Hangzhou’s gates is the first cross-sea bridge in China’s coastal construction and the longest span in the world.