My county is located in Jidong Plain, the geographical location at latitude 39 ° 43 ’, longitude 119 ° 10’. Elevation of 13.3 meters, the annual average temperature of 11 ℃, the annual rainfall of about 700 mm, frost-free period of 187 days. My county beet are summer sowing, the harvest period from late October to late November, storage period from early November to the end of August the following year. According to the meteorological data of recent ten years, the monthly average temperature during this period is November 4.2 ℃, December -3.2 ℃, January -3.5 ℃, February -2.6 ℃, March 5.2 ℃ and extreme minimum temperature -17 ℃ . The first frost period on October 7, the final frost on April 29. Winter temperatures generally above 0 ℃ during the day and below 0 ℃ at night. From early November onwards