The transient excitation force is applied to the simple beam-mass carrier and payload model respectively to study the complex admittance function of the structural joint and other corresponding points. Then, these measured admittances are assembled analytically using matrix expressions to describe the dynamic behavior of the coupling system. Predict the response of the payload model to the vehicle model excitation and compare the results with the results measured on the combined model. These results are also compared with those of earlier studies. In earlier studies, similar procedures to the present method were used except for using steady state sinusoidal excitation. In general, the results obtained by the transient test are better than the steady-state method. And, to do the same experiment, the transient method takes much less time and provides higher data resolution. However, the data collection and processing problems of this method are more complex. It is believed that transient tests and admittance matrix predictions will be a valuable way to study payload vibration tests. Finally, the article gives suggestions for further improvement of this method.