三大薯类(马铃薯、甘薯和木薯)在全球粮食安全中具有重要作用,来自亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲近20亿人口以薯类为主粮。薯类作物除马铃薯、甘薯和木薯外,还包括山药、芋艿等形成地下块茎、块根等变态储藏器官的作物。全球薯类作物的总产量达8亿吨,约占全球粮食总产量的1/4。我国是薯类生产大国,其中甘薯种植面积达5 500万亩,年产量达到7 900万吨,占世界总产量的近80%;马铃薯种植面积近
The three big potatoes (potato, sweet potato and cassava) play an important role in global food security, with nearly 2 billion people from Asia, Africa and Latin America taking potato as their staple food. Potato crops include potatoes, sweet potatoes and cassava, but also yam, taro and other forms of underground tubers, roots and other metamorphic storage organs of crops. The total output of global potato crops is 800 million tons, accounting for about 1/4 of the world’s total grain output. China is a major potato producing country, of which sweet potato planting area of 55 million mu, annual output reached 79 million tons, accounting for nearly 80% of the world’s total output; potato acreage