Pomegranate, because of its colorful, full of children, is often used as a festive fruit, a symbol of more than happiness, children and grandchildren, has always been loved by people. Pomegranate culture with a long history of pomegranate culture will also make you pampered while savoring pomegranate delicacies. Pomegranate origin Pomegranate origin in the ancient Persian to the northwestern Indian Himalayas, its center for Persia and its vicinity, that is, now Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asia. According to the distribution of ancient wild pomegranates and wild pomegranates of different sizes in the Three Rivers of Tibet in China, some scholars believe that the eastern part of Tibet may also be one of the origin of pomegranates. Pomegranate introduction of the Han Dynasty, pomegranate by the ”Han Zhang Qianshi West