王巧是纺织厂的一名女工,去年,厂里进行改革,40岁以上的工人全部内退,每人每月发给150元的退休金。王巧恰好又赶上了这个茬,只好在家休息。 以前上班的时候,和邻居没有什么来往,自从闲在家里,王巧和周围的人也开始熟悉起来,隔三岔五总有邻居上门作客,来的最勤的要算隔壁的李大娘,这娘俩别看岁数差了一大截,可在一起说话还挺投机,一来二去成了一对忘年交。 一天,李大娘又来王巧家串门,王巧正在家做午饭,那天,她的女儿上学时说想吃馅饼,让妈妈给烙几张,王巧这天便早早张罗着做饭,王巧拿了一块饼请李大娘尝尝,大娘也就不客气,拿
Wang Qiao, a textile worker in the textile factory, reformed his factory last year. Workers over the age of 40 are all withdrawn and each month, they are entitled to a monthly pension of 150 yuan. Wang Qiao just catch up with this crop, had to rest at home. When I was at work, I had nothing to do with my neighbors. Since I was busy at home, people around Wang Qiao and I began to get used to it. Niangzhao Do not look at the age difference of a large fraction, can be quite talkative with speculation, one to two to become a year-old pay. One day, Li aunt came home to Wang Qiao family, Wang Qiao is doing lunch at home, that day, her daughter said to eat pies to go to school, so that my mother branded a few, Wang Qiao, A piece of cake please Li aunt to taste, aunt also bluntly, take