鉴于一些文献中对6个月以内的婴儿每日氟化物的最大安全摄入量有不同的见解,作者测定了用氟化水和未氟化水加工制作的婴儿食品氟化物的含量,并计算了六个月及六个月以下婴儿每日摄入氟化物的最大量和最小量。干燥的谷类食品、水果汁、乳汁加工中使用的水中氟化物水平对食品的氟化物含量有一定的影响。用含氟化物4—6PPm 的氟化水生产的谷类食品,其中氟化物最高值为6.35PPm,而未经氟化的水生产的谷类食品,氟化物含量为2.11PPm。同样,用氟化水
In view of the divergent views in some of the literature on the maximum daily safe fluoride intake of infants within 6 months, the authors measured the fluoride content of infant food products processed with fluorinated and unfluorinated water and calculated The maximum and minimum daily fluoride intake for infants under six months and six months or less. The level of fluoride in water used in the processing of dried cereals, fruit juices, and milk processing has some effect on the fluoride content of food. Cereals produced from fluorinated water containing 4-6 ppm of fluoride, with the highest fluoride value of 6.35 ppm, whereas the non-fluoridated water produced cereal product had a fluoride content of 2.11 ppm. Again, use fluorinated water