
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhao0922
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现代教育技术为生物教学提供了前所未有的广阔空间和手段,利用现代教育技术转变教育观念,有利于培养学生的探究能力和学习自主性,提高生物课堂教学效率,教师掌握和运用现代教育技术是贯彻素质教育的必然要求。一、应用现代教育技术,形象地演示生物教学内容客观地演示错综复杂的生物构造。“形态与结构”是生物新课程中份量很重的内容。常规教学主要用挂图、模型进行演 Modern educational technology has provided a vast space and means for biological teaching. The use of modern educational technology to change the concept of education is conducive to cultivating students’ inquiry ability and learning autonomy, and improving the efficiency of teaching in biological classrooms. Teachers should master and apply modern educational technologies The inevitable requirement of quality education. First, the application of modern educational technology, vivid demonstration of biological teaching content to objectively demonstrate the intricacies of the biological structure. “Form and structure ” is a heavy weight in the new course of biology. Conventional teaching mainly with wall charts, models for speech
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