Study of station and attitude maneuver of submergence rescue vehicle

来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLGKLING
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It is an important control process to operate motion of an submergence rescue vehicle(SRV). Seeing that the motion of the submergence rescue vehicle is special, it is necessary to employ non-linear predictive control system. For this reason, continuous dynamic performance of the system, the logical components and the operative restraints are expressed as the non-linear equations of state with the inequality restraints, and the model principle of hybrid system is introduced. The conclusion shows that it comes true to exactly control position and attitude of the SRV by means of non-linear model predictive control. The test in a model basin has also proved that the above methods are efficient. It is an important control process to operate motion of an submergence rescue vehicle (SRV). Seeing that the motion of the submergence rescue vehicle is special, it is necessary to employ non-linear predictive control system. For this reason, continuous dynamic performance of the system, the logical components and the operative restraints are expressed as the non-linear equations of state with the inequality restraints, and the model principle of hybrid system is introduced. The conclusion shows that it comes true to exactly control position and attitude of the SRV by means of non-linear model predictive control. The test in a model basin has also proved that the above methods are efficient.
摘要: 阅读是获取知识的重要手段。阅读教学在英语教学中同样有着非常重要的地位。如何有效地提高与培养高职学生的英语阅读能力,一直是高职英语教育工作者所关注的问题。教师在阅读教学中要根据不同教材的阅读目的和要求,采取不同的阅读方式和策略,还要根据学生的实际英语水平,切实抓好基础知识,培养良好的阅读习惯,并教给其必要的阅读技巧,逐步增加阅读量,使学生的阅读能力有质的提高。  关键词: 高职英语 阅读教学
摘要: 英语学习最佳途径就是使学生置身于英语的情景中,而看电影学英语就是一种很好的英语学习方式。电影语言内容丰富、会话真实鲜活,使学生有身临其境的感觉,能充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的乐趣,从而促进英语教学。文章分析了利用英语电影进行教学的必要性,提出了电影选材的标准,阐述了利用英语电影进行教学的方法。  关键词: 英语电影 选材标准 英语教学    一、前言    英语学习是一
摘要: 课堂提问的问题设计原则及提问策略对活跃课堂教学氛围具有不可替代的作用。教师掌握课堂提问的技巧能够激发学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。本文试对新课程初中英语课堂教学提问艺术作论述,旨在阐述课堂提问艺术对英语教学的促进作用。  关键词: 初中英语 课堂提问 原则 策略    英语作为一种语言,其本质是具有交际性。课堂上的师生的互动交流就是发挥英语交际性功能的具体体现。课堂教学中的提问则是师生互动