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中国古典文学四大名著之一《三国演义》,是历史演义小说的经典之作,在中国文学史上占有举足轻重的地位,著作中有关战争场面的描写随处可见,波涛汹涌的气势,豪爽的英雄气度,令每一位读者都感到荡气回肠。复杂多变的人物形象,千百年来更是深入人心,其中所体现出的公关智慧值得人们发起深思。提起“公关”这一词,我们自然会联想到人,会想到事,公关正是一门处理社会组织与公众关系的学问,也是一门塑造组织社会形象的管理艺术。让我们来品读一下《三国演义》中的公共关系。得民心者得天下——良好形象在《三国演义》中,曹操和刘备都十分看重自身的形象。可以说曹操事业上的成功,与他注重塑造形象是不可分割的。例如《三国演义》第十六回中,刘备受吕布所迫,投奔曹操,程昱反而建议将刘备除掉,曹操却说:“方今正用英雄之时,不可杀一人而失天下之心。”由此可见曹操对于天下民心是非常在意的。 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the four masterpieces of Chinese classical literature, is a classic of the historical novels, occupying a pivotal position in the history of Chinese literature. The descriptions of the war scenes in the writings are ubiquitous. The choppy momentum, bold heroic attitude, So that every reader feel soul-stirring. Complex and changeable character images, for thousands of years is deeply rooted among the people, which reflects the wisdom of public relations worthy of people’s thought-provoking. With the word “PR,” we naturally think of people and think of things. Public relations is just a science that deals with the relationship between social organizations and the public. It is also a management art that shapes the social image of an organization. Let’s take a look at the public relations in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. People have the people have the world - a good image In the “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are very valued their own image. It can be said that Cao’s career success is inseparable from his focus on shaping the image. For example, “the romance of the Three Kingdoms,” the sixteenth back, Liu Bei by Lu Bu forced to go to Cao Cao, Cheng Yu instead proposed to be removed Liu Cao, Cao Cao said: “now is the time with the hero, you can not kill one and lose the heart of the world.” "This shows that Cao Cao is very concerned about the people of the world.
11月11日,中央纪委驻国家林业局纪检组组长、国家林业局党组成员陈述贤,在自治区林业局纪检组组长王力生的陪同下到东门林场视察指导工作。 On November 11, Chen Shixian,
20 0 2年 9月 1 5日 ,广西通志馆在南宁召开《广西地方志》创刊 2 0周年座谈会。自治区党委宣传部、自治区新闻出版局、《广西通志》部分专志负责人、南宁市和南宁地区地方志