
来源 :钢结构 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pppxulan
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为了研究高强钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架的抗震性能,采用基于性能的抗震设计方法设计2个10层V型偏心支撑钢框架算例,采用Pushover方法和动力弹塑性方法进行分析。对比分析高强钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架和普通V型偏心支撑钢框架的破坏特征、承载能力、基底剪力、顶点侧移角、抗侧刚度、延性以及罕遇地震下层间位移角。结果表明:在基于性能的抗震设计方法中,高强钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架与普通钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架具有相近的破坏模式和顶点侧移角,但抗侧刚度和延性略低;在罕遇地震作用下,两者具有相似的层间位移分布模式,高强钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架层间位移角略大,但都能满足相关规范限值的要求,抗震性能相当。高强钢组合V型偏心支撑钢框架能节省钢材约10%,更符合绿色建筑的发展方向。 In order to study the seismic performance of high-strength steel composite V-eccentrically braced steel frame, two 10-story V-shaped eccentric supported steel frame is designed based on performance-based seismic design method. Pushover method and dynamic elasto-plastic method are used to analyze the seismic performance. The failure characteristics, bearing capacity, base shear, vertex lateral displacement, lateral stiffness, ductility and drift angle under rare earthquakes of the high-strength steel composite V-eccentrically braced steel frame and the ordinary V-shaped eccentric supported steel frame are compared and analyzed. The results show that in the performance-based seismic design method, the V-eccentric supporting steel frame with high-strength steel and the V-shaped eccentric supporting steel frame with common steel have similar failure modes and vertex lateral displacement angles, but the lateral rigidity and ductility are slightly lower In the case of rare earthquakes, the two have similar modes of interlayer displacement distribution. The displacement angle of the steel frame with high-strength steel composite V-shaped eccentric support is slightly larger, but all of them meet the requirements of the relevant standard limits and have equivalent seismic performance. High-strength steel combination V-shaped eccentric support steel frame can save about 10% of steel, more in line with the direction of the development of green building.
在我国现行的GB 50017—2003《钢结构设计规范》中,采用换算截面法计算钢-混凝土组合梁的应力,由于没有考虑滑移效应的影响,计算结果与实测值有一定差距。在折减刚度法的基础
摘要:苏州市在近几年经济快速发展的同时,面临着经济结构调整所带来的人力资源结构与之如何相匹配的问题。高学历人才的引进是不争的共识,但与之相匹配的技术工人的需求应怎样解决?本文试着从苏州市职业技术人才的需求与供给匹配度分析开始,根据苏州市的实际情况,分析了苏州市职业教育的难点,也给出了职业教育发展的建议。  关键词:经济 转型升级 职业教育  1 职业教育的发展机遇  1.1 经济转型升级是必然