Telematics以及车联网在201 1年的推广高潮一浪高过一浪。各大前装、后装厂家以及TSP(T服务提供商)厉兵秣马要在慧聪网主办的“2011深圳汽车电子展”(以下简称“深圳展”)上赚足眼球。作为行业先行者、独立TSP参展的畅联万方,不仅全程冠名赞助首届“车联网论坛”而且在上个月的“郑州汽车用品展”上广发《英雄帖》召集产业精英共建T市场,让人非常期待了解畅联万方到底会如何展示自己?如何体验其“7×24小时全网全覆盖无缝Telematics服务”?畅联万方又有哪些市场观点要与业界分享?本次“深圳展”是揭开谜底的时候了。
Telematics and car networking in 201 1 to promote the climax wave after wave. The major front-loading and after-loading manufacturers as well as TSP (T service providers) are doing their best to earn enough attention on the “2011 Shenzhen Auto Electronics Show” (hereinafter referred to as “Shenzhen Exhibition”) sponsored by HC Network. As an industry pioneer, independent TSP exhibitors Lianlianfangfang, not only sponsor the first full name “car networking forum ” and last month “Zhengzhou Auto Show ” on GF “Hero Posts” convened the industry elite Building T market, people are very much looking forward to understanding how Lianfang Wanfang in the end how to show themselves? How to experience its “7 × 24 hours full coverage seamless Telematics service” The industry to share? This “Shenzhen Exhibition ” is the answer to the mystery of the time.